
The amounts for children born from 2019 onwards

The new amounts of the Growth Package apply to children who have their official adres in Belgium and are born from the 1st of January 2019 onwards.

Is your child born BEFORE 2019?

What does the total amount in the new system consist of?

Your child is entitled to following amounts (valid from September 2024):

Starting amount (maternity or adoption allowance)
 A one-time allowance at the birth or the adoption of a child
€1.238,78 per child- one time premium
In case of a multiple birth you receive this amount per child.
Apply for the starting amount
Basic amount
A fixed monthly amount for every child
€180,19/month per child

If orphan of on parent: + €144,16/month per child
If orphan of both parents: + €180,18/month per child
More about the supplement for orphans
If you meet certain conditons, you are also entitled to complementary amounts. Take a look at all the different supplements below.

Calculate the amount of your Groeipakket in a few steps. Start with 1 child. You can add other children later.

The Groeipakket is calculated on the basis of your child's date of birth and the address where your child lives.

For day care and school

Day care supplement
For non income related day care
+ €3,57/child per day of attendance
More about the day care supplement
Pre school supplement
For 3 and 4 year-olds that attend school
+ €143,53 in 2024
+ €146,40 in 2025
More about the pre school supplement
School bonus
For every child
0 - 4 years old: + €22,52/year per child
5 - 11 years old: + €39,41/year per child
12 -17 years old: + €56,30/year per child
from 18 years old: + €67,56/year per child
More about the school bonus
School supplement
For children who attend school
The amount depends on your family income, family composition and the type of education.
More about the school supplement

Tailored to your family

Social supplement
According to your annual gros family income
annual family income ≤ €40.187,19:
1 or 2 children: + €71,91/month per child
3 or more children: + €105,69/month per child

annual family income between €40.187,19 and €46.885,06:
1 or 2 children: + €36,41/month per child
3 or more children: + €83,17/month per child

annual family income between €46.885,06 and €75.593,05:
3 or more children: + €83,17/month per child
More about the social supplement

Tailored to your child

Foster care supplement
For foster kids in foster families
+ €69,59/month per child
More about the foster care supplement
Care supplement
For children with a condition or handicap
Depending on de severity of the condition: from + €90,94 up to + €606,27/month
More about the care supplement
Support supplement
For children with an affection/handicap of at least 12 points
+ €337,84/month per child
More about the support supplement


Are you coming from abroad and do you have children born before of after the 1st of January 2019? Then you are entitled to the new amounts of the Growth Package (Groeipakket). 

Children, born before 2019, who are orphaned after the 1st of January 2019, also receive the new amounts of the Growth Package.

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